Violation doesn’t discount years of service to Vashon

I wanted to speak a few words on behalf of Jeffrey Zheutlin, who has had the unfortunate experience of having intimate details of his personal life paraded through the newspaper (“Former VYFS therapist penalized for misconduct,” July 8). First of all, this is obviously a difficult and hurtful situation for his entire family, and I wish all sides privacy and healing in dealing with the consequences of his actions.

I wanted to speak a few words on behalf of Jeffrey Zheutlin, who has had the unfortunate experience of having intimate details of his personal life paraded through the newspaper (“Former VYFS therapist penalized for misconduct,” July 8). First of all, this is obviously a difficult and hurtful situation for his entire family, and I wish all sides privacy and healing in dealing with the consequences of his actions.

The second thing I want to say is that although I believe in the sanctity of marriage, no one knows what living with a spouse is like behind closed doors. Let us withhold any judgment on that account.

While it is inappropriate for a practitioner to have a personal relationship with a coworker, patient or patient’s parent, it is also true that these were consenting adults.

And finally, I say, “Thank you” to Jeffrey for the wonderful work and help he has been to three generations of our family. His help in time of need, his assistance at gathering resources has been of monumental value to us.

Can a personal choice, for which he is paying a very public price, discount 25 years of sacrifice for the benefit of Vashon families?  I think not.

— Susan Wolf