VALISE wants everyone on Vashon to be in its next show

VALISE Gallery members recently came up with an expansive idea — to invite everyone on Vashon to exhibit a work of art in the gallery’s next exhibit.

VALISE Gallery members recently came up with an expansive idea — to invite everyone on Vashon to exhibit a work of art in the gallery’s next exhibit.

The show, set to open on July 2, is dubbed “Vashon Jam/Slam/Glam All-Island Art Show,” and it is open to Islanders of all ages and experience levels.

“It’s widely understood, both here and abroad, that 100 percent of the residents of our Island have artistic talent,” gallery artist Elizabeth Conner wrote in a recent press release about the show.

Conner added, in a follow-up phone conversation, that she isn’t worried about having enough space at the gallery.

VALISE, she said, is bigger than it looks.

“We’ve gotten pretty good at hanging shows, and covering the walls and the ceiling,” she added.

Conner said excitement had been building for weeks about the show.

“People are really stoked,” she said.

To participate, Islanders need to drop off their artworks at the gallery between 4 and 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 29, or between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 30.

All artwork will be inventoried and installed by VALISE Gallery members, who are planning to display all the entries.

But Connor did advise Islanders not to wait until the last minute to bring their work to the gallery. She also said Islanders should specify whether works are for sale or not.

To find out more about participating in VALISE Gallery’s all-Island show, visit or call Elizabeth Conner at (206) 310-0251.