Club and organization news

Computer club catch all

The Vashon Computer Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, at the Vashon Senior Center.

This meeting will be a bit of a catch all. The intention is to reinforce and enhance computing processes by answering questions. There will not be a troubleshooting session until the time following the information segment. Instead, it will consist of questions about operations and processes. These questions may include anything, no matter how basic; no question is a dumb question. Answers will come from anyone who knows, not only experts, but also members at large who want to share their knowledge.

Anyone may attend this meeting and participate in the discussion, free of charge; the public is always welcome.

Membership is affordable and offers additional benefits.

— Almita Ranstrom

Cribbage has Island history

A group of men were indulging in their regular noon hour cribbage game at the Alibi last Friday. A hand had been dealt, when the players noticed an expression of utter bewilderment and a deathly pallor on the face of Howard Collings, who was watching for the turnup as though the fate of nations were at stake. As the five of diamonds came into view, Howard gulped, turned a sickly green and all but slumped to the floor.

Those who do not play cribbage wouldn’t understand — but those who do know that one with less control than Howard possesses would have had a fit of some sort. For in his hand he held the five of clubs, spades and hearts and the Jack of diamonds. And if that doesn’t make a 29 hand in any cribbage player’s language, we are sadly mistaken.

So it is not to be wondered at that veteran players defer to Howard and that he has a new and added dignity, for to the knowledge of none of the regular Alibi gang has anyone on the Island ever before held a coveted 29 hand, the highest hand possible to hold in cribbage.”

(Vashon Island News Record, May 19, 1938)

You can experience that same excitement every Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Vashon Eagles.

Five weeks remain in the current tournament period, and a new 12-week tournament period begins Dec. 6. Join the fun.

The 29 Club is a grass roots cribbage club sanctioned under the American Cribbage Congress.

For more information, contact Mike Sudduth at 930-1379 or

— Mike Sudduth

Caregivers get support

Vashon Community Care Center hosts a monthly Caregivers Support Group meeting on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m., this month Nov. 13. Call me for details or with questions at 567-6142.

— Julea Gardener

Special ed parents gather

A discussion group for parents of special education students will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, at McMurray Middle School library.

Come meet Larry Davis, special education consultant and advocate and former Vashon school district principal. He will offer an insider’s viewpoint of how to effectively advocate for your child in Individualized Education Plans and 504 meetings. There will be time for questions and answers. Part of the meeting time will be spent assessing the interest in creating a support group for parents of Vashon special needs children and interest in future meetings.

— Shannon Flora

Greens meet, talk elections

Now that the election is over, you can check out the most progressive party on Vashon. The Vashon-Maury Island Green Party’s monthly meeting (second Tuesday of each month) will be at Joy Goldstein’s home. Democrats, Independents and other interested parties are most welcome.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 10329 S.W. Bank Rd. Call 463-3468, and park along Bank Road.

The agenda will include questions and comments, Cynthia McKinney’s presidential campaign, general election results, Green Party of Washington State fall convention report, Vashon-Maury Island Community Council (Tom Herring elected) and where we go from here.

Call Steve Graham, administrative coordinator, at 463-9579 or me at 463-3468.

— Melvin Mackey

Baseball club meets

Vashon Youth Baseball and Softball is holding its annual meeting at 7 p.m. tonight, Nov. 5, in the Vashon High School music annex (next to the tennis courts). Any and all are welcome/encouraged to attend.

For more information, call David Prouse at 463-2748.

— Cheryl Pruett

Camp Fire visits seniors

Camp Fire fifth-graders will visit the Senior Center on Bank Road for a Thanksgiving crafts party to make placemats and autumn leaves to hang in the window from 3:45 to 4:45 Wednesday, Nov. 12. Lauri Hennessey is their leader, and the children are excited to spend time with as many of the Senior Center members as can join them.

The program is free; please call the center to pre-register at 463-5173.

— Deirdre Petree

Comcast 21 programming

Voice of Vashon’s television programming on Comcast Channel 21 for the upcoming week will feature the latest program from Sea-Inside NW. The 17th edition of this Northwest underwater video series focuses on managing our marine resources. The video will be shown every morning at 10 a.m. It was moved from its previous time slot at 9 a.m. to accommodate the new ferry line cameras, which are shown continuously during morning commute hours.

For the full broadcast schedule, including both audio and video schedules, see

If you have been creating your own video that you would like to share with your Vashon/Maury neighbors, please e-mail

— Dan Schueler

Guest rabbi to lead Havurah

Rabbi Stanley Yedwab will lead Friday night services beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, at Havurat Ee Shalom, 15401 Westside Hwy. S.W. He will speak about Reform Judaism. The Reform prayerbook the Havurah uses includes prayers in both English and Hebrew, and nearly all Hebrew passages are transliterated into English.

After Torah study, which begins at 9:30 a.m., Rabbi Yedwab will lead Saturday morning services beginning at 10:30 a.m. He will discuss, “A Journey to Individuality.” The Torah portion will be “Lech Lecha,” Bereshit (Genesis) 14:1-15:21.

Everyone is welcome. For more information, please call me at 463-4687 or Louise Olsen at 463-1399.

— Gayle Sommers

Unitarians discuss family

“Recreating the Nuclear Family or How to Get Back What You Never Had in the First Place” will be the talk at the Vashon Unitarian Fellowship.

The presentation uses mythology and developmental psychology to explain how we create our families trying to either replicate the idealized image we have of the family in which we grew up or to avoid recreating a family based on the painful images of our families of origin. The Sunday Conversation will happen in Lewis Hall behind the Burton Community Church, 23905 Vashon Highway, at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call John Purrington at 817-6205.

— Wendy Wharton

VIGCC hosts festivities

Vashon Island Golf & Country Club will show the movie “A Wink and a Smile” on Saturday, Nov. 8. Cocktails start at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and then the movie. There will be a $10 charge for the movie, which should start at 8:30 p.m.

The film is a documentary about a group of women learning the art of burlesque. The movie was made in Seattle and was well received at the International Film Festival.

Prime Rib Night is the third Thursday night of November. To make reservations or get more information, call 463-2005.

— Victoria Miner