LETTER: Nelson commentary might as well have been written by WSF spokesperson

I read Sharon Nelson’s commentary in last week’s Beachcomber a second time and came to the same conclusion each time — you could have pasted the picture of Brian Mannion, the Washington State Ferries spokesman, over that of Sharon Nelson and the commentary would not have changed (“Work to fix Triangle Route will take time, do what you can to expedite ticketing,” Aug. 23).

“Islanders may want to explore raising funds to hire a respected traffic engineer….” Really?!

We do not need “experts” to tell us how to fix this challenge. First, Sharon Nelson and WSF need to acknowledge the system in Fauntleroy is a complete failure and the status quo will not continue. Going from 978 empty spaces per month to nearly 3,000 in only three years is totally unacceptable.

Someone forgot to tell WSF that doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different outcome, is the definition of insanity. In that regard, WSF needs to try new approaches until something works, including finding a way to send cars down the bypass lane safely.

All that said, we need a representative in the Senate to force WSF to acknowledge that any time a ferry leaves two-thirds full while vehicles are lined up past Lincoln Park, it has failed.

— Scott Harvey