Money talks when it comes to chemicals

Money talks when it comes to chemicals Oh my! It looks like the sacred dollar has influenced another well-meant effort to encourage people to do something to help the environment into a position of “can’t prove nothin’, wait and see.” How sad.

Money talks when it comes to chemicals

Oh my! It looks like the sacred dollar has influenced another well-meant effort to encourage people to do something to help the environment into a position of “can’t prove nothin’, wait and see.” How sad.

My beekeeper friend in a farming community in Europe has very healthy bee colonies which have continued to thrive for years. He claims it’s because none of the farmers in his area use chemicals.  Scientific studies? Has anyone asked how many of those are funded by the manufacturers of these chemicals?

Did you know that in Europe 459 cosmetic ingredients used by the industry are labeled harmful to human health? Does it surprise you that in the USA the FDA has only listed nine chemicals used in cosmetics as harmful?  Yes, you read correctly — nine!

I tried using the logic of “if I don’t sell it, they’ll buy it somewhere else” on some other objects I believe are harmful, like guns, DDT, fireworks, lead paint. Seriously, that’s logic?

Good for Mr. Davila to stand up for his principles. His children or grandchildren will thank him. Will yours thank you for trying to make the world a safer place?

— Katrin Fletter