We need to think about the future

Our children’s future may be the most obvious reason for stopping the use of toxic chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers on this beautiful island. Let’s be responsible for our actions now to prevent further destruction of our agricultural system; let’s avoid leaving behind a bigger problem for the future generations.

Our children’s future may be the most obvious reason for stopping the use of toxic chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers on this beautiful island. Let’s be responsible for our actions now to prevent further destruction of our agricultural system; let’s avoid leaving behind a bigger problem for the future generations.

We have plenty of evidence now to realize there is a huge negative impact from the use of pest and weed killers and chemical fertilizers. There is also much that is still unknown. We have learned that these seemingly helpful garden potions are doing more harm than good for our food supply and our ecosystem.

In the spotlight at this time are the neonicotinoids and their responsibility for the dwindling population of bees. Roundup does not immediately kill the bees, but affects their neurological system, weakens their immune system making them more susceptible to disease, mites and other natural attackers (putting it simply).

These are not the only effect these chemicals have. The EPA considers several insecticides in use on food crops today to be carcinogens. There have also been multiple studies showing links of low-level exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s disease. This is just the beginning of the list of negative effects.

Let’s work toward a toxin-free island and keep these chemicals off Vashon. Please do your research before you choose your insecticides: There are many alternative concoctions and methods of gardening. Together we can be proactive and create positive change for the community, instilling in our young people the importance of taking action to promote a thriving planet.

— Lori Lane Kimmel

Editor’s note: Roundup is not a neonicotinoid.