Blood drive tomorrow
The Vashon Island School District, facing a potential budget shortfall of more than $600,000, will likely have to reduce its staff size by around four positions, Superintendent Terry Lindquist told board members last week.
Peter Bruchas, friends recall, played a lyrical alto sax, an instrument he learned to love many years ago while a student at Vashon High School.
Islander Suzanne Moore has painted and hand-lettered entire books that now rest in collections of libraries as prestigious as the Library of Congress.
I can confidently assume that somewhere in the depths of the inspirational and meaningful quote libraries lies a phrase in the same vein as this: “Without one’s passions, one would become, simply, none.”
Vashon Allied Arts (VAA) has purchased the McFeed’s property and building for $600,000 and plans to use the space to house its burgeoning educational programs in what VAA executive director Molly Reed calls a “campus setting” that may well include a new building.
A small, disposable camera. A National Audobon Society Field Guide to the Butterflies of North America. A white linen butterfly net. The net lay on the ground, spotted with clinging grass seeds, blackberry juice and mud. The rim of the net held the field guide to North American butterflies, open to the Lycanidae pages, where each one of the eight color photographs showed a small, delicate, brilliantly blue butterfly.
Members of the Vashon Rotary gather with members of Voice of Vashon (VoV) to hand over a $10,000 check for VoV’s second tower. From left they are Jeff Hoyt, Voice of Vashon; Joe Ulatoski, Vashon Rotary and father of VashonBePrepared; Dick Bianchi, Vashon Rotary president-elect; Susan Hanson, Vashon Rotary president and Rex Stratton, Vashon Rotary. Not pictured is Rick Wallace of VashonBePrepared. He took the photo.
I have heard from some of my liberal friends that they intend to return or not cash their “stimulus” check from the IRS as a protest against the war and/or the Bush administration.
The King County Cemetery District #1 monthly meeting will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14.