Four Jamaican students, who hosted Vashon High School (VHS) students in Jamaica this February will have the chance to explore Vashon Island next February.
This winter, four VHS students traveled to Jamaica with counselor Shirley Ferris, winner of the 2006 Doors of Opportunity Award.
The four Island students were paired with four Jamaican high schoolers who served as hosts during their visit. Now, the Jamaican host students are preparing for a visit of their own to Vashon next winter.
Register for youth football
Classes offered to residents on Vashon and Maury islands.
Community events happening on Vashon and Maury islands.
For the past decade, Frank Zellerhoff Jr. has been grinding stumps, roots and other land-clearing debris on his five-acre parcel on Cemetery Road, transforming the waste into chips, mulch and compost that he sells to landscapers and other Islanders.
A dozen of Rotary’s most prestigious grants were given out around the world this year, and Vashon Island Rotary Club is a partner in two of the 12 projects that were approved.
In an effort to encourage people to shop locally, several Vashon shops and stores will stay open until 7 p.m. on Thursdays, starting this week.
Nominate a grand marshal
Last week, King County officials gave Island landlord Gene Amondson a final verdict on the four unpermitted low-cost housing units on his property: His renters have to move out by July 31.
The Vashon Island School District, buffeted by declining enrollment, a state funding formula that is wholly inadequate and a history of overspending, is facing another $246,000 in cuts, according to Superintendent Terry Lindquist.
GREG MCELROY: The Riptide staff this year works exceptionally well together.
Students at Carpe Diem Primary School just finished a month-long exploration of simple machines with a bang — they built an amusement park for stuffed mice.
During the past several weeks, a number of op-ed articles and letters to the editor have appeared in The Beachcomber debating the Israeli-Palestinian issues on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of Israel.